Useful Links
Architects Registration Board. Use this site to ascertain if a person is a qualified architect or to make a complaint against an architect.
ArchitectureRoyal Institute of British Architects. Use this site to see the latest trends and news in Architecture.
www.jctltd.co.ukJCT building contracts are ubiquitous in the construction industry. There are many different types of them ranging from small domestic works to multi-million pounds projects. Use this site to determine the best contract for your project.
If your work entails structural changes or new foundations' close to your neighbor's boundary, the Party Wall Act controls what you can and can't do.
www.swindon.gov.ukThis provides information concerning residential planning applications.
www.swindon.gov.uk/cilThe developer's contribution under 106 section has now been replaced in part by CIL. This link explains the council's CIL procedure.
A planning application attracts statutory fees. Use this website to ascertain how much the local authorities will charge for an application.
www.planningportal.gov.ukA government website providing a wide range of useful planning information.
Revit GroupThis explains the benefits of using a Building Information Management software (BIM) and the advantages of having a common software platform for the design consultants.